
Suzanne Phoenix has been delivering art workshops for more than a decade for organisations and independently. She has a hand-ons, participatory approach and creates an environment for all learning types. Here are a few workshop options but Suzanne is keen to discuss your ideas and develop workshops to suit.

If you would like to chat more about this, just shoot her an email or use the contact form.

“ I took part in a small and intimate zine workshop with Suzanne and found it a positive and useful experience. Suzanne has an experienced and creative eye. Her comments were constructive and insightful. She encouraged the group to work collectively and everyone had the opportunity to share and critique each others work. She set me on a new path and I came away with new ideas on how to approach preparing to make a zine of my own work. “ - Jane

“ I thoroughly enjoyed Suzanne’s photobook workshop. The thing I enjoyed the most was learning to sequence images objectively rather than emotionally. I’m currently working on a zine that is looking pretty good! “ - Renata

" Suzanne is a friendly & patient teacher. She helps you think from a different perspective which is so valuable. " - Mariana

“ Suzanne brings her years of experience as a photographer and photo book self-publisher to her workshops. She has wisdom that she shares and she inspires creativity in the participants. She provides opportunities for attendees to talk about the aims of their photo books and to present their collection of photos, whilst ensuring that the aims of the workshop are met. “ - Maz

“ Suzanne is passionate in imparting her knowledge and experience in putting together a photobook. The class is very well run, informative and allows for participants to contribute freely. “ - Mauro